Tuesday 8 July 2014

~ Preparations ~ Week 6 ~

~ Monday ~
~ Organising from a distance ~

I spent the day in London, lounging around my friends and taking a walk through Canary Wharf. Running through my mind, all the things that still need to be organised. Tickets for arrival in Toulouse, a bike, tent, sleeping bag, cutlery, gas stove, tarpaulin, torch, waterproofs etc. Due to the stay in London, I had to figure out what I could do... so using the fabulous internet, I ordered my tent, 1 man, waterproof, light weight, next day delivery, thank you sports direct! As I was browsing the supermarket for my dinner I also bumped into a selection of sleeping bags, thanks again! My friend had an old Iphone to hand which I happily bought off her, GPS sorted amongst other things ie torch, email and blogging device, lightweight camera...Must say until using one I was sceptical, but they really do prove themselves.... THANKYOU! Arranged to see a bike on Wednesday, let's see.

Daily inspiration...
I found a left over note on the Iphone and thought it was one worth sharing it went like this.

Claudia Rainville, 
Every symptom is a message.

Always relevant in Life, when looking at illness and disease, its important to take into account every part of the self, the thinking, the emotions and the physical symptoms, only when all are looked at will the true cause be revealed. We seem to have arrived in a place where only the symptoms are treated with antibiotics, pain killers lalala, but the problem keeps coming back.

Missing my bike!

~ Tuesday ~
~ Family fun ~

Arriving in my home town shortly after lunch, the avalanche of 'hello, how are you?'s' quickly followed. My brief 5 minute lift from my dad, shocking him with an update of my travels and future travel plans (he's was a little shocked by the news of my cycle for a cycle! But as always very supportive. Then arrival at my mums, met by my sister, youngest niece, aunt and of course mumsy! Lots of love, I last saw everyone at christmas, so it was a beautiful moment. We then arranged to go for dinner in the pub one of my brothers works in, to be joined by the other brother and his girlfriend. But my first mission was to pick up the elder niece from school. She was unaware, of course. The look her her 6 year old face was priceless! my heart exploded with love as she ran up to me a gave me the biggest hug, followed by speechless eye contact and another couple of hugs! LOOOVE! The evening with my close family was a great end to the day. Apart from discussing my plans, I can't say there were many preparations today.

Where for art thou bicycle.

~ Wednesday ~
~ Bicycle day ~

The day has arrived, ready for the bicycle. My brothers girlfriend said that she had a bike I could use, I had explained that it was a street bike and then presumed she was aware which type I needed. As the time drew nearer I was very excited to go and collect it. However when I arrived, I saw a bike very similar to my own, which is a dual suspension, mountain bike, mmm... 'soooo' I thought! 'WTF will I do now!'. Very grateful for the offer of the bike, but as I realised there was less than 2 weeks till departure, fear struck! 'I guess I'll just use my dual suspension mountain bike for now, before I sell it!' thought I.

After the fear I spent the evening with my bro and his girlfriend and we were speaking about our family histories. My main reason for moving to Rome was because of a rumour that I have an Italian blood within my veins. I have however recently been in contact with a distant aunt who has done 10 years of research into our history. She informed me that there is actually no Italian blood in my veins and gave me the links to view the family tree. Today I had the chance to take a look, of course, I jumped at it. The family tree goes all the way back to 1618` following a good majority of the marriage lines. I followed each of my mothers grandparents and every member is from the south east of England. Although the lack of Italian heritage was a bit of a blow, considering I have believed that since my early teens, it was still beautiful to see where I am from. Family appreciation week it seems. 

Will I ever get a bicycle?

~ Thursday ~
~ An introduction to camping ~

Ah the tent arrived today :D yay! Of course it needs a dry run, just to make sure I can put it up and down. I have been planning a camp out with my niece for a while and I told myself this was the moment. So the time came when I could break the news to her and she was very excited! So we went out in the garden to set up, she helped with the poles and laying out the sleeping bag, then filled it with her favourite books and teddies. Once it was all set up, we got in, snuggled in a 1 man, I'm glad she's a petite one. As we or should I say as I settled in for the night, her curiosity struck and she explored the small space that we sat in, the wall pockets, the zip, under the blankets, over the blankets. Hmmm in the house out of the house. No sign of sleep and the usual sleeping time had already passed. It was still light out and kids were playing out on the fields which she was not used to! So I tried a few sleeping techniques which I felt were very appropriate:-

- Technique one focuses on the noise that is disturbing you! For her it was the sound of the children playing, then transferring your focus to the noise that is soothing (the sound of her night time musical soother) for me its the sound of my breathing! 
- Technique two is just shutting your eyes and listening to your breath.
- My favourite is technique three which is counting backwards from 100.

After a dedicated time for each of these techniques she ended up sitting with arms folded, expressing that she still can't sleep! 'well would you like to go and sleep inside my dear?' I asked 'no I want to sleep out here, but I can't sleep'. By the time we went through each technique we still ended with the same answer so of course she ended up sleeping in her bed. But it was a wonderful try out of the tent and I got to stay out anyways. Smiles.

Bike worries.

~ Friday ~
~ Great Nan ~

I picked up dual suspension, mountain bike today nicknamed black beauty and took a ride to my great Nana's continuing the family appreciation week. She turns 90 next week and still seems as I have always remembered her. But it cannot be ignored that she has recently been rushed to hospital on two occasions with a heart attack and an internal bleed, it seem she is knocking on heavens door. Without that little old lady I would not be here today, for that I am forever grateful. I look forward to her birthday next week when I can present her with a 5 generation photo, that she has always wished for. Lots of love. 

~ Saturday ~
~ Importance of family ~

Today has topped off the family week with conversations all round about the importance of family. Starting with my Nan we discussed the fear of death and plans for Great Nana's birthday. Then with my sister we continued the family theme discussing impact of past generations on our generation and future generations. Then as always myself and my aunt dreamt about bringing us all together in a community setting where we could really support each other. 

I feel the near and certain death of the eldest in the family has opened up a new perspective. As with all families there are tensions and disagreements which can sometimes get in the way of the need for a family network. All I can say is that I may not agree with everything or anything you say or believe in, but I'm here for you always as I know you are there for me.

Black beauty made my day.  

~ Sunday ~
~ Bootfair ... Not ~

After a few days of finding someone to join me with their motor car, my sister agreed to help me out with a boot fair. Yay, a great thing about England is the second hand car boots, always able to find a bargain. The car was all packed up last night ready to set off early. When we woke up and looked outside another great England trait stopped us in our tracks. THE RAIN. With two little kids and no water proof covering for the stuff we decided it probably wasn't a good idea. The we used the power of on-line selling through a community Facebook page, we spent the day taking photo's and listing the items. in the back of my mind sat the thought, I don't have a bike, I haven't booked my tickets, lalala etc. But I gently reminded myself that everything will work itself out as it always does. I didn't sell a thing. My Dad offered me a bike for the trip, thanks Daddy ... Love!  

Black beauty went up for sale. 

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