Friday 18 July 2014

~ Preparations ~

Thursday already, I've had a few days of indecision about what to write for ~ Preparations ~ Week 7 ~
As you know I returned to England to visit my family before the trip. I have to admit, trying to prepare for the trip and spend quality time with my family has been a bit tricky, at times frustrating!

You see my Nan has been ill in hospital, just days before her 90th birthday, on and off assisted breathing machines. The situation seems to have stirred up family disputes, maybe stirred up is the wrong phrase! I guess it has just bought it to the forefront, giving all of us a time for contemplation or reflection upon certain disagreements. In my view the situation has either secured previous opinions and feelings or enabled people to let go. For me I have noticed just how important family is to me and how much you really need your family whether it be a sister, mother, nan, grandfather, father, daughter, husband or aunt. I love the beautifully diverse opinions, mannerisms, beliefs and advice of each individual in my family.

At times of stress, busy-ness and difficulty, Life can often get on top of us leaving us feeling and seeing only the negative side of it all! That is the case of me this week. But of course when I'm down I take time out to really focus on the positives to keep me on track and clear of mind.

So over the last couple of weeks, I have finally collected all the things needed for my trip, plastic cups and plates, the bike, gas cooker, saucepan, money, puncture repair kit all donated by family members and the final touches from eBay.

I've spent time cycling through the Kent countryside, making sandwiches, visiting nan in hospital, swimming in the English channel during a storm, taking the babies of the family out on bike rides and booking tickets!!!!

Now ready, I'll be leaving Tuesday morning, from Dover port to Madrid. I have also found out that I'll have to look into a medical issue, a follow up appointment is on the 21st August so a little disappointed that the trip has to be cut short. Health however is important. I'll cycle back to Madrid after the festival and get the bus back to the UK.

As always plans change, but still I'm really looking forward to the summer adventure!

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